Preguntas frecuentes
Frequently asked Questions
Have a question? Check if the answer is here!
Do you ship worldwide?
We sure do! You can order from anywhere.
How do I clean my mousepad?
You can put it into your bath tub, add some soap and gently scrub on both sides. Then roll it up into a towel to let it dry.
How do I cancel my order?
There is only a short amount of time between when you place your order and when we start processing it. If you contact us straight away after ordering, via, we may be able to cancel your order before it’s processed. If not, we’ll dispatch your order and then you can return it to us if you wish upon receiving it.
How can I track my order?
Yes. We’ll provide updates at every stage of your order, from the moment you place it, through to dispatch and delivery. In your delivery confirmation emails, you’ll receive a tracking number which you can use to check the progress of your order online or through our website with the link in the header of our website.
Can I get a custom deskpad?
YES you can! We offer custom deskpads that are also waterproof. The link is at the top of our website in the header.